Your car could break down in the middle of nowhere and you must walk 12 miles in the middle of the night to get a cell signal. You could misplace your cash deposit on your way to the bank. All your employees could walk out on you on Black Friday. Or, you could be promoted to customer because you made a fatal error on the trends in your market. What then...
Personally, I do not mind failing now and again, or making a mistake. However, if we do not learn from it. The car breaking down that is beyond your control. The other examples could have been mitigated if we can be more mindful of what is within our control; responsibilities, relationships, communication and reason. If we are aware of those things that we have our minds, hearts, and intentions on we all would be better off.
Life happens. What’s the worst that could happen? Well, our health is very important. If we have good health we can have the resilience to be able to rebound and deal with just about anything. If we lose property – things can be replaced. Moreover, if things have sentimental value we still have our memories.
Life is more wrestling than dancing. So, if we get taken down we get back up. Gracefully if we can if not vertical must suffice. If we can put a little muscle in our hustle shake it off and get back in there we will not be deterred.
No one said life, career, parenting would be easy. Success is an expansion of our happiness. If we can put things in the right perspective, reframe and see struggles as an opportunity for growth we move beyond our difficulties and create a life, career, relationship that we have only before just imagined.
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