Showing posts with label common good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label common good. Show all posts

July 10, 2017



The reason that so many of us are anxious about our lives’ and the future is that we are living in a culture where tribalism and nationalism are becoming the norm.

Instead of fostering a sense of community and fidelity we are secluding ourselves into our own tribal enclaves – mentally, socially, and emotionally. The distrust of the other is saluted and encouraged. When what the World needs now is Love Sweet Love; we are pushing each other further and further apart.

Our politics have become a reality show. Our news is entertainment. Our healthcare, education and prison systems have become revenue sources for the rich and powerful; yet the least of us have nowhere to turn.

It is no wonder that dystopian and apocalyptic futures are the basis for a lot of the movies on the big screen. Because the youth of today more so than any other time feels like perhaps there is no hope.
Symbols are powerful and speak volumes. When Nazi and Confederate flags are waived to insight condemnation from a group of people we have a problem. When rainbow flags are flown to celebrate a group's freedom some are outraged. The difference is one is representative of hate and other is love and acceptance. One pushes away and the other encourages inclusion.

The shadow is a person’s inner battle to wage. However, we are a collective of individuals. Just like infinity is a chain of finite moments, the community is comprised of a group of individual souls seeking unity. The collective, universal soul and shadow represent each one of us.

If you hate someone or a group of someone’s’ asks yourself why. Perhaps there is something about what you hate is a subconscious, unconscious issue that you have yet to deal with?

Fragmentation leads to chaos, and not the good kind. It just creates uncertainty and dysfunction. Nothing works and we do not move forward; as a species, an organization, or as an individual. What we do not understand we fear. What we fear we hate. We create suffering for ourselves and everyone. What we understand we value. What we value we hold dear.

Take time and do some self-discovery. Open your mind, your heart, your lives, even your homes and invite something new in and try to understand it, it could change your life, your community, the world.

February 15, 2017


Why do some people see the rationale of joining forces and working together and others put themselves first at all cost?

Some see the value in the work and the process when some see their stake in the outcome. I just watched Ashton Kutcher break down in front of a congressional hearing speaking about his work against human trafficking. Here is a man who spends his wealth helping victims of modern day sex slavery who works long hours who has an organization solely to do this work. He goes on raids with the FBI and sees things that cannot be unseen because somebody must.

Then we have celebrities who are so self-absorbed who use their wealth to gain high office and act like spoiled five-year old’s. The rich and powerful do themselves and others a disservice when they think only of themselves and the ones close to them and do nothing for anyone else. Of course, they are not obligated to, yet their lack to use what they must to do good work for their fellow man.
We are all familiar with Ebenezer Scrooge and how that turned out. He only truly lived when he saw the benefits to helping his fellow man and the metamorphoses that occurred when he did. We should not have to be haunted by specters of our collective unconscious to make this happen. But, perhaps that is what is needed.

Buddha taught that humankind’s suffering is caused by desire. The desire or the attachment to someone or something or the aversion of someone or something. The desire for a better outcome or conclusion does not create suffering, it creates joy and helps the common good.

Unfortunately, the common good is uncommon for those who think only of their needs which create suffering for everyone. I will never count anyone out, give up that perhaps within them is a seed of our collective humanity. That maybe, just maybe at the right time under the right circumstances that that person be he or she the President of the Unites States or a refugee from a war-torn country climb the summit of our shared purpose to reach down and lift other’s up and into the light of a better and brighter tomorrow.

Jeff S Turnbull