Once you don't succeed - try something new, or try a new twist on the same approach...
You can keep pushing that square peg into that round hole, but odds are something is going break and splinter. Rethink it. Unthink it. Stop thinking it. Step back and re-access. Do something completely different.
Double down, revisit, keep with the same plan and expect a different outcome and you what they say - yes insanity. Turn it around. Turn it upside down. Re-frame it. Deconstruct and destroy and pick up the pieces and reassemble that puzzle.
But more than anything know when to walk away. Don't stand in the same line after the line next to you opens up. The time you have invested isn't wasted. But know when to pivot.
Stay curious. Keep learning. Know when to burn the ships on the shore and move on. When you keep going back to the same well, you either find it dry or stagnant.
Wouldn't you prefer to breathe fresh air as opposed to your own exhaust?